Verdammte Seuche

Die WM am Gardasee ist abgesagt worden

von Peter Scheuerl 25.05.2021
nach langem Zögern und praktisch mit dem „Rücken zur Wand“ hat das Komitee der OKDIA angesichts der aktuellen Pandemielage die Entscheidung getroffen die im Juli geplante WM am Gardasee abzusagen. Die Teilnehmer auf der Pre-Entry-Liste sind heute Nachmittag bereits per Mail von Robert Deaves, dem Sekretär der OKDIA, informiert worden.
Die schwierige Entscheidungsfindung auch innerhalb des Gremiums wird im Statement des OKDIA-Präsidenten Mark Jackson deutlich. Den Originaltext findet ihr weiter unten.
Robert steht in Verbindung mit dem ausrichtenden Club und klärt zur Zeit ob statt der WM eine „normale“ internationale OK-Regatta an gleichem Ort und zu gleicher Zeit stattfinden kann, vorausgesetzt es besteht genug Interesse unsererseits.
Deshalb bittet Robert um schnelle Rückmeldung der gemeldeten Teilnehmer (Pre-Entry-Liste) per Mail.


The OKDIA Committee has been extensively and carefully evaluating whether the 2021 World Championship should proceed or be cancelled because of COVID-19. The Committee has been very aware of the concern of some members, while also understanding the desire to run the championship if at all possible.

An evidential based process was used, rather than one based on personal opinion and speculation. The decision was also based on current information and evidence from each member country, rather than what might be the case in five or six weeks time.

The evaluation procedure was defined into five specific criteria with YES/NO answers. If two or more criteria obtained a NO, then the World Championship would not take place. The criteria and process were agreed before any discussion took place.

A survey was also carried out among all OKDIA member countries this week to gather the latest travel information and views on whether the championship should proceed.

The criteria were:

1. Health and safety of sailors and officials – YES. It was decided that the event would not contribute to the spread of COVID-19 and would not provide a significant risk to sailors or competitors to contract the virus. The risk was deemed to be 5-20%.

2. Possible participation of at least two-thirds of eligible countries – NO. The member survey indicated that 42% of eligible members would have problems either travelling to Garda or returning home after the event, based on current information.

3. Views of members and associations (two-thirds majority needed) – NO. 46% of members recommended withdrawing the World Championship.

4. Availability of OKDIA officials, Jury, IMs etc – NO. The worlds would be held in a country without an established OK Dinghy association, therefore it was felt there was the need for an OKDIA presence of officials and IMs. Due to current travel restrictions it was not possible to meet a minimum level to maintain confidence.

5. Risk to reputation – YES. It was felt there was no risk to the class’s reputation by cancelling or going ahead with the event. The only risk was if the event went ahead and was significantly affected by COVID cases or by organisation issues.

Therefore, with three criteria voted NO, and only two YES, the Committee came to the conclusion that the 2021 World Championship should not take place.

If the club and the sailors wish, OKDIA would encourage an OK Dinghy event to take place at Arco over the same dates, but without the designation of an OKDIA official championship. OKDIA will work with the club to identify new dates for a World Championship in a future year.

Mark Jackson,
President, OKDIA
25 May 2021