Ossi’s Europameisterschaft 2014

Ok Europeans Steinhude 2014

von Greg Wilcox 13.12.2014


Gelegentlich prächtiger Wind, kristallklares Wasser, gesunder Wald

Well what can I say! The organization and venue were perfect for the 110 sailors who turned up. The only thing missing was some wind for the last 2 days. I really must congratulate Ossi and his team for the amount of effort and time that they put into the regatta. The result for us was just fantastic. A big tent for free breakfast and dinner, enough free beer (in fact so much one of the English guys complained “oh no, not another free round!” and plenty of space for camping.


Großes Zelt, bunte Wimpel, fröhliche Menschen

A very big thank you must also go to the event sponsors who made all the extra stuff possible. Lotto SportStiftung being the main event sponsor as well as the two organizing clubs SVG and YSM who showed us all so much friendly hospitality.


Super-Orga-Team singend, lachend, tanzend in Blau

The racing was well covered in the great reports from Robert Deaves so here are my impressions of it. The idea of fleet racing with more than 100 boats is a good one. It allows better racing for all as it is just not so crowded. However in this case I think we should have had 4 groups and not 2 but still with 2 fleets. This way we would have all sailed against each other at least 3 times after 6 races.


OK-Jollen -auch aus der Ferne schön!

The way it worked there meant Jorgen Svendsen never raced Bo Peterson and I never raced against Pavel. If we had the final 2 days then this would not have been a problem but it is still better to have qualifying races that are as even for the fleet as you can make them.


Segelbedingungen: wie bei „Schlangen und Leitern“

We had some extremely tricky and hard races that were really a priviledge to be a part of. My memories of fighting with Jorgen, Andre, Jim and Lind the whole way around the course usually only a few boatlengths apart will remain for some time. It was just great sailing.



We had 110 sailors from 9 different countries. Germany, Denmark, Poland, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Sweden, The Netherlands and New Zealand. There were 5 former World Champions, Jorgen Lindhartsen, Andre Budzein, Greg Wilcox, Peter Milne and Jim Hunt. 2 former European Champions, Bo Peterson and Martin von Zimmerman as well as a lot of National Champions.


Frauen segeln OK rekordverdächtig

There were also 7 women sailing which is a record I think. Juliane Hofmann, Katarina Huss, Cornelia Wirbeleit, Ute Witke, Susanna Mackmann, Jessica Finke and Johanna Andrew-Becker. Peter Milne came the furthest distance (from Australia) to compete while Ossi was probably the closest.


Der Chef passte auf das auch alle genug Bier tranken

We drank more free beer than any other OK regatta and pretty much everyone had a great time. There are not too many other ways of having a better time than to spend it with friends from around the world having fun.


Sogar die Gewinner hatten Spaß


Link zu den Berichten von Robert Deaves


Platz Segel-Nr. Vorname Nachname Club 1.WF 2.WF 3.WF 4.WF 5.WF 6.WF Punkte
1 DEN-1427 Jørgen Svendsen HS 1 (31) 3 1 1 1 7,00
2 GER-789 André Budzien SYC 3 2 1 (10) 2 2 10,00
3 DEN-1431 Bo Petersen HS 1 5 3 2 1 (DNC) 12,00
4 GER-772 Oliver Gronholz SSC 2 (12) 2 7 5 1 17,00
5 POL-14 Pawel Pawlaczyk JKWP (23) 3 4 3 4 3 17,00
6 NZL-544 Greg Wilcox PSV 5 1 (7) 3 6 5 20,00
7 GBR-2162 Jim Hunt BSC 4 (OCS) 9 1 3 4 21,00
8 DEN-1420 Jørgen Lindhardtsen HS (25) 8 1 8 4 3 24,00
9 DEN-1393 René Sarabia Johannsen VSK 8 (30) 5 4 9 4 30,00
10 GBR-2169 Will Turner DSC 8 (14) 8 10 2 6 34,00
11 POL-31 Antoni Pawlowski AZS 9 (23) 7 5 6 8 35,00
12 POL-1 Tomasz Gaj MOS-2 (16) 1 6 15 8 6 36,00
13 GER-693 Martin von Zimmermann SCOe 2 (OCS) 6 6 14 8 36,00
14 GBR-2156 Robert Deaves WSC (18) 9 11 11 3 5 39,00
15 GBR-2167 Lee Child DSC 7 (37) 5 16 5 7 40,00
16 DEN-427 Frederik Svendsen HS 3 (38) 2 2 12 24 43,00
17 POL-4 Radoslaw Drozdzik LGT 17 7 4 13 (19) 14 55,00
18 GER-777 Andreas Pich LYC 6 4 16 16 14 (DNC) 56,00
19 GER-740 Gunter Arndt FYC (OCS) 21 11 12 12 2 58,00
20 GER-731 Thomas Glas SSC 13 12 10 6 17 (19) 58,00
21 DEN-1410 Jens Lauge HS 15 13 8 (18) 10 12 58,00
22 GER-771 Ralf Mackmann SCH 12 6 17 9 15 (22) 59,00
23 GBR-2160 Alex Scoles OSSC 7 2 (33) 27 7 22 65,00
24 NZL-54 Peter Milne BRYC 20 16 (24) 4 8 20 68,00
25 GER-765 Rainer Pospiech YCBG 4 15 (39) 19 17 16 71,00
26 GER-778 Sönke Behrens SCOe 15 7 28 (29) 13 9 72,00
27 GBR-2141 Simon Davis UTSC (50) 3 12 11 13 39 78,00
28 GER-695 Erik Bork SSCRa 9 21 13 17 (27) 21 81,00
29 GER-775 Jörg Rademacher SCSt (35) 10 23 20 18 10 81,00
30 GBR-2145 Tony Woods GSC (39) 23 20 8 22 9 82,00
31 DEN-1421 Jesper Strandberg HSS 11 15 21 14 24 (25) 85,00
32 GBR-2158 John Ball BSC 22 8 (43) 26 16 15 87,00
33 GER-750 Dirk Dame SVM (30) 30 17 7 20 17 91,00
34 SWE-2804 Per Jaennsson SSV 5 5 27 (30) 29 26 92,00
35 GBR-2154 Simon Cowood NSC (41) 28 9 13 22 20 92,00
36 GER-787 Ralf Tietje SVG 28 (36) 19 19 16 11 93,00
37 SWE-2810 Johannes Dagerbrant USS 19 (46) 35 20 7 15 96,00
38 DEN-1354 Peter Heide SSS 14 24 10 34 15 (38) 97,00
39 GBR-2151 Simon Cox WSC 27 4 (45) 24 32 11 98,00
40 GBR-2084 Keith Byers MHYC 18 (28) 12 23 19 27 99,00
41 GBR-2142 Ian Harris BCYC (46) 43 20 22 11 7 103,00
42 POL-7 Marek Bernat KKSWO (49) 18 19 18 30 18 103,00
43 DEN-1315 Bo Reker Andersen HS 25 26 18 15 20 (DNC) 104,00
44 SWE-2796 Bengt Larsson SS Kaparen 29 (RET) 18 14 25 19 105,00
45 GER-769 Volker Paatz SVB 31 10 14 17 (45) 34 106,00
46 GER-762 André Hennings CKA (DNC) DNC 26 5 9 10 110,00
47 DEN-1407 Malte Pedersen RYCS (48) 9 16 46 23 16 110,00
48 GER-727 Frank Strelow WSVRh 11 (42) 14 25 35 26 111,00
49 GER-726 Jörg Sylvester SSC 17 19 21 (37) 30 24 111,00
50 GBR-2147 Tom Lonsdale WOSC 16 27 23 (32) 21 25 112,00
51 GER-767 Juliane Hofmann PSV 27 24 25 9 28 (39) 113,00
52 DEN-1335 Mogens Johansen SSSK 26 35 (36) 27 11 14 113,00
53 SWE-2741 Ulf Dagerbrant USS 33 27 15 (38) 24 17 116,00
54 SWE-2803 Mårten Bernesand SSV (45) 29 33 21 23 12 118,00
55 POL-19 Grzegorz Salamon HORN 21 20 13 (43) 33 36 123,00
56 GER-607 Christian Heinze SCV 10 6 32 44 35 (DNS) 127,00
57 GER-735 Dirk Gericke SGE 10 11 39 (41) 38 29 127,00
58 GER-755 Yves Kaminski SVEW (29) 25 27 22 27 27 128,00
59 GER-643 Jürgen Illers SCO 22 19 31 (39) 31 30 133,00
60 GBR-2163 Gavin Waldron MHYC 37 (47) 29 39 18 13 136,00
61 GER-757 Falk Hagemann SWS 30 17 30 31 (41) 28 136,00
62 SWE-2790 Ulf Sahle GeSS 26 25 (52) 47 21 18 137,00
63 GBR-2123 Andy Turner OSSC 6 47 (53) 35 29 23 140,00
64 GER-774 Michael Wolf SSCP 24 13 32 37 (39) 34 140,00
65 FRA-1823 Guillaume De Kervenoael ABCV 20 (50) 44 12 37 28 141,00
66 GER-606 Katharina Huß SCFr 12 35 22 38 (39) 35 142,00
67 GER-761 Stefan Rassau DYC 23 18 31 (DNC) 36 35 143,00
68 POL-58 Michal Gaj FIRW 40 (DSQ) 24 21 28 30 143,00
69 GER-715 Sven Beye SSC 51 (53) 26 45 10 13 145,00
70 GER-665 Peter Stephan SCSt 34 22 (41) 26 31 32 145,00
71 GER-766 Gunnar Goronzi SCSt 24 17 (54) 40 38 29 148,00
72 BEL-220 Ronny Poelman KLYC 37 31 (38) 33 26 23 150,00
73 GER-642 Claus Stockhardt SSCP 13 32 (42) 34 40 32 151,00
74 GER-788 Kai Nickelkoppe SCS 14 OCS 15 28 34 (DNS) 151,00
75 DEN-1396 Stig Frandsen KB 32 14 37 36 32 (DNS) 151,00
76 GER-662 Gerd Breitbart SCOe 44 16 34 25 (47) 33 152,00
77 GER-697 Jörg Posny SCSt 34 34 22 29 (42) 36 155,00
78 GER-690 Carsten Saß ZSK 36 41 (45) 32 26 21 156,00
79 SWE-2788 Magnus Gillgren GeSS 31 33 44 23 34 (DNS) 165,00
80 GER-567 Jan Beckmann SVPb 39 20 35 24 48 (DNS) 166,00
81 NZL-553 Finn Gheury DWSC 38 (OCS) 28 28 36 37 167,00
82 POL-21 Waldemar Czyz HORN 36 (44) 40 36 25 33 170,00
83 GER-783 Karsten Kath SVN (47) 40 30 42 33 31 176,00
84 BEL-214 Paul Verrijdt KLYC 40 (42) 34 31 41 31 177,00
85 GER-688 Ronald Foest DRS 28 40 37 33 (43) 41 179,00
86 DEN-1324 Nicklas Heide SSS 42 11 43 (54) 44 43 183,00
87 GER-748 Wilhelm Kath SVN 21 45 36 35 46 (DNC) 183,00
88 POL-201 Darius Heinemann AZS (52) 39 29 30 46 40 184,00
89 GER-640 Sven Marchot SGSP 19 36 46 (50) 44 40 185,00
90 GBR-2139 Kenneth Carroll AWSC 33 37 41 40 37 (DNS) 188,00
91 GBR-2155 Robert Bourne URYC 42 39 25 44 40 (DNS) 190,00
92 GER-633 Cornelia Wirbeleit SWS 41 34 38 42 (45) 44 199,00
93 GER-576 Ute Witke BSC 38 22 40 52 48 (DNS) 200,00
94 FRA-1820 Raymond Dodard AVA 48 29 (52) 49 47 42 215,00
95 GBR-2080 Paul Pike CSC 32 48 46 51 (52) 42 219,00
96 GER-649 Kai Wehmhörner SSCRa 45 32 51 41 51 (DNS) 220,00
97 BEL-151 Paul Bouts RYCM 35 33 49 46 (DNC) DNC 223,00
98 BEL-203 Joost Rommelaere KLYC (52) 41 51 52 42 38 224,00
99 GER-539 Uli Borchers SCSt 43 38 47 49 49 (DNS) 226,00
100 GER-653 Susanne Mackmann SCSt 44 26 50 47 (DNF) DNS 227,00
101 GER-651 Heinz Ridder SVPb 49 49 47 45 (DNF) 37 227,00
102 DEN-1432 Ralph Eriksen SB 43 43 48 48 49 (DNS) 231,00
103 GER-630 Norbert Petrausch TSVS 51 44 50 (53) 51 41 237,00
104 POL-1361 Zbigniew Dryzner JKK 46 48 42 43 DNF (DNS) 239,00
105 NED-638 Robert Bancken WVB 50 45 53 51 43 (DNS) 242,00
106 GER-734 Jessica Finke SKM 47 46 55 53 50 (DNS) 251,00
107 BEL-1 Rod Andrew SNEH 53 52 49 50 50 (DNS) 254,00
108 GER-749 Jens Wehmeier SGH 54 51 48 48 (DNF) DNC 261,00
109 FRA-1053 Francois Podevyn CVD 53 49 54 55 53 (DNS) 264,00
110 BEL-29 Johanna Andrew-Becker SNEH 55 (DNC) DNC 54 52 DNS 281,00
111 DEN-1369 Christian Hedlund HS (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 300,00
111 POL-10 Janusz Stobinski AZS (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 300,00
111 POL-16 Marek Jarocki ZLKS (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 300,00
111 POL-40 Robert Swiecki MOS-2 (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 300,00
111 SWE-2775 Johnny Billström SSV (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 300,00
111 POL-333 Mieczyslaw Poplonyk AZS (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 300,00
111 UKR-8 Mykyta Bushtian BSYC (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 300,00